When trying to decide what card to make, I got my inspiration from several places. First, I saw this really cute idea for a flower from Angie Juda's site and realized I had some of the first "Fleurettes" they came out with last year that used last years In Colors Riding Hood Red and Pink Pirouette. Well guess what? Those colors are coming back full-time so I got everything out of storage (just kidding, I never put anything completely away LOL!) and started to play! The problem was I am literally down to scraps on Pink Pirouette. I had an unopened pack of paper at the end of last year and sold it during my Open House - had I only known... anyway, this scrap was big enough to be a layer on a card. I had plenty of Riding Hood Red because I loved that color and decided to keep what I had! So I had my colors figured out - the third area that inspired me was the Stampin' Success catalog, where they used the flourish stamp from Baroque Motifs (still one of my favorite stamps) and did some "torn corner" thing that turned out to frame things quite nicely. So, a "card is born"!! On the inside, I was able to break out not one but TWO retired ribbons in these colors - wonder if they'll bring them back? I LOVED the Riding Hood Red taffeta ribbon - very cool!
So here they are - have a great weekend!
The confirmation card is beautiful! Love the colors and the crochet flower. Congrats to your daughter, I hope all went well this weekend!